At BlogPaws, you meet fablous people

I had no idea what I should expect when I signed up for BlogPaws 2013. I had never been to a blogging event, and for that matter, I had been blogging for negative one month when I signed up! I didn’t have a blog when I heard about it. All I knew was that I liked to write about cats.

In the meantime, I started corresponding with a few other bloggers (including Angie from Catladyland.) Angie, especially was helpful and encouraging for an aspiring cat writer, but I don’t think we ever talked about attending BlogPaws. I happened to run into her on opening night, and she welcomed me into the group of Cat Writers. Two nights later, she received the Nose-to-Nose award for Best Humor Blog!

In two months’ time I’ve gone from knowing nothing about blogging to attending a major conference and getting to know some amazing people who know their way around the blogging world.

P.S. Congratulations again, Ang!

The fabulous Angie from Catladyland received the award for Best Humor Blog.

The fabulous Angie from Catladyland received the award for Best Humor Blog.